viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2022


 One of the improvements that could be made in the journalism program at the University of Chile is the academic load of the projects that take place in the fourth year. Because three annual projects are carried out during this period, which creates a high load in terms of continuity of elements to be learned. 

The annual courses studied this year are: Investigative Journalism, Communication and Image Research and Digital Journalism Project Workshop. Comprising the first and second part, in two academic semesters of the year. In addition, this year continues the line of organizational communication that started last year, the second subject that must be completed this year is the basic optional training, with which 16 SCT credit points must be collected.

The workload of each branch is different and depends on the requirements of the individual teacher and how he wants to tackle the problem he is dealing with, as well as his teaching methods. But in general, the second semesters are more extensive in scope of work, as they are the culmination of projects started at the beginning of the school year. It is necessary to do more interviews, notes, reports, among other things, focus groups. 

In terms of technology, it is helpful for people studying journalism because it makes work much easier, more dynamic and faster in accessing information.

1 comentario:

  1. I think that you made a very good point with the overcharge of the second semester of the fourth year in comparison of the first semester, something should be done about it.



  fine. I have never had a very thorough wish list, it usually changes over the years and as I learn things. But if there are certain things...